Aum Aapo hi sthaa mayo bhua Tana urdjee datatana Mahee ranaya chaksashee

"Oh Apa, goddesses of fluidity, who represent the totty-potent substance and energy of this universe. You make us physically and spiritually blissful. Please give us all physical, mental, and spiritual energy and support to do great actions, to be successful socially, personally, and spiritually. And to give us the life philosophy and vision and finally to understand the truth."

Maria Dimphina Gerarda Aanraad (Jennemieke)

Nutrition and Lifestyle Advice by Jennemieke

Maria Dimphina Gerarda Aanraad, whose nickname is Jennemieke, is the Sole Proprietor of the Company "Jennemieke". She is a Graduate in Hospitality Industry from the Netherlands and a Diploma holder in Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Nutrition. She has an experience of 15 Years in Hospitality and one year experience in assisting Ayurvedic Consultations, Workshops and Retreats.

Europe programs

Europe Visit 2024 With Dr. Vijith Sasidhar

2-Days Massage Training Weekend 

2-Days Massage Training Weekend 

Touch is a very intimate sensory perception. It is the special property of the unique element air. The lifeforce called Vata Dosha is made out of air and space elements and a healing touch is the best remedy to bring the leader of all doshas, Vata, into balance. This is why oil massage has become one of the important therapeutic procedures in Ayurveda. Your skin being the seat of touch sensation becomes one of the important seats of Vata as well. Hence, your skin is under the risk of getting dried up, afflicted by the Vata. Regular oil application is advised to ...

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Ayurvedic Lifestyle Workshop

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Workshop

Ayurveda advises a daily regimen to flow with the current of nature. The forces guiding the universe also operate in the human body, which can, if disturbed, bring about imbalances in the doshas. A well-organized lifestyle enables chronic imbalances to come, over time, back to an equilibrium. The Self-care workshop will give you some important tools to find balance even when there are established diseases in you...

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Ayurveda Consultation 

Ayurveda Consultation 

Every disease is an inner call from the deeper levels of your consciousness. It definitely carries a message about how to improve your life, because every disease is a disagreement between the unconscious mind and the conscious mind. All the actions that we do with our conscious mind like having food, worrying about a problem, or not sleeping sufficient hours at night…

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Weekend Seminar & 5-days Seminar on Self-Healing

Weekend Seminar & 5-days Seminar on Self-Healing

All Ayurvedic Treatises starts with Chapters on preventive health. Daily Regimen or your regular daily activities determine the quality of your life. The seminar will focus on how you can plan a healing regimen for yourself. How to adapt these self healing regimen according to your constitution or Imbalances, will be discussed in detail.

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5-Days Healing Retreat with Ayurvedic Lifestyle, Diet, Herbal Supplements, and Therapy

5-Days Healing Retreat with Ayurvedic Lifestyle, Diet, Herbal Supplements, and Therapy

The people around you, your own lifestyle, diet, and mental focus contributes to the innate tendency of life “Healing”. When you get a chance to live and think intimately with traditional Ayurvedic physicians, the healing process optimizes to its best. This millennium old lifestyle starts with a fire ceremony transforming the darkness into enlightenment. Chanting mantras with two traditional Ayurvedic physicians, Dr. Vijith Sasidhar and Jennemieke, will light up the spiritual flame in your life...

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Ayurveda Cooking Workshops

Ayurveda Cooking Workshops

Cooking is considered as half-digesting according to Ayurveda. Cold breakfast is often found as a common challenge for digestion and metabolism in the West. Considering the shortage of time to cook in the morning, Dr. Vijith and Jennemieke offer a quick fix to this problem...

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Prosper Life

Let Your Life Blossom Fully.

Those flowers that blossomed under our care

"I'm really glad I came to the consultation, because I've gained a better understanding. I understand better which foods to combine. With your recipes I understand better how to cook. What has brought about a big change has been my dietary adjustments following your advice : I eat less eggs and more nuts and more vegetables : I cooked the nuts as it is said in your recipe fruity oat porridge, and I'm amazed at how well I digest them. I'm also careful to eat more alkalinising foods, as a result I've had less acid reflux in my mouth and oesophagus. Since I eat like that and chew more, I didn’t need snacks anymore the eight tea while eating helps a lot. Thanks a lot !!"

"Thank you so much for the consultation, it was great and thank you for the night tea, it's great. I'm running low on the tea, it would be super to get some more. I'm feeling much better, I'm feeling stronger and have more space to observe my thoughts as opposed to being consumed by them. I have started a course and a drawing class so things are really turning around and I have a bit of momentum again."

"Thank you very much for your email and for the article. I will read it carefully. Every morning and every evening I drink the tea you prescribed for me. I feel much better. Digestion is better. I'm less hungry between meals. I feel nourished physically and spiritually. I am more serene, calm. Thank you so much for all these good advices and kindness. Best regards"

Ik heb zoveel effect van afgelopen treatment. Ik heb er geen woorden voor en toch ook weer wel. Al pratende ga ik het ayurvedisch effect op mij in verwondering en diepe dankbaarheid verwoorden. Wat een ongelooflijke kracht dat de schepping in zich heeft om de balans van het leven te herstellen. Je begrijpt zeker wel dat ik dit niet kan vertalen want dan verlies ik mijn gevoel bij de woorden.



Happy client



Happy client



Happy client



Happy client

Prosper Life

Let your life blossom fully